Guest Lecture Series - Attentive and Focused Listening: Some Strategies
The Department of English Education held a Guest Lecture Series - Strengthening English Language Skills in the Pandemic Era as an effort to improve the quality of students' learning. The theme raised in the first session (15 June 2022) was "Attentive and focused Listening: Some Strategies." On that occasion, the speaker was Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana, M. Pd. from Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang. During the session, the presenter conveyed several things related to increasing understanding in listening skills. The participants which mostly come from second and fourth semesters were quite enthusiastic in participating both in presentation and in practices session. It can be said that this event was quite successful in attracting students' interest in listening. Look forward to the next series!